5 DIY Activities to Celebrate Valentine's Day!
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Valentine’s Day provides a great opportunity to have fun with your family and shower them with love! Whether you are in-school or in virtual school, here are some DIY ways to spread love and smiles and celebrate the holiday:
1. Show Your Love A handwritten, homemade card is a great way to show your loved one how much you care. Start by writing down all of the reasons you love them. A handmade card is not limited to your significant other — include a note of love in your child's lunch box.
2. Start a New Tradition Maybe it's a fancy dinner where you get dressed up and light candles (even at-home!), or maybe it's a special story time with books all about kindness and love. You could even have a family game night with Valentine's Day treats, or say what you love about each other at dinner. Whatever it may be, make it a point to do it again next year to start a tradition!
3. Create a Zolli Gram Did you know Zolli Candy's Valentine pops include Zolli Grams? They are a delicious, healthy way to spread the love and smiles. Find Zollipops Valentine's Original or Strawberry Zollipops or at a Kroger-brand store near you and start customizing your Zolli Grams today!
Buy six or more bags of Zolli Candy and get 20% off here
4. Make a Fun and Healthy Treat (Or Two...) Valentines' Day doesn't have to be about chocolates and candy. Try making these fun and healthy treats or have a Valentine's Day bake-off:
- Watermelon Heart Fruit Salad
- 3-Ingredient “Chocolate-Covered Strawberry” Frozen Greek Yogurt Bites
- Cupid’s Vanilla Berry Smoothie
- Valentines Day Overnight Oats & Raspberry Chia Jam
- Conversation Cuties
- Sugar-Free Salted Chocolate Strawberry Tart
5. Have a Valentine's Day Movie Night If you're looking for a Valentine's Day-themed option for a movie night, look no further than these sweet picks, all perfectly covering friendship, loyalty, love, and appreciation:
- Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown
- Beauty and the Beast
- Madly Madagascar
- Lady and the Tramp
- Gnomeo and Juliet
- Tangled
Between DIY activities, Valentine's Day cards (and Zolli Grams) and candy, it's time to start spreading the love and smiles. Keep Smiling!